Ultrastar SN640: Western Digital bringt SSD mit 31 TByte im E1.L-Ruler-Format

Für den Server- und Storage-Markt hat Western Digital zwei neue SSD-Lösungen vorgestellt. Eine Variante hat besonders viel Speicherplatz – aber nur mit dem neuen E1.L-Schacht zum Einschieben. (Solid State Drive, Speichermedien)

Für den Server- und Storage-Markt hat Western Digital zwei neue SSD-Lösungen vorgestellt. Eine Variante hat besonders viel Speicherplatz - aber nur mit dem neuen E1.L-Schacht zum Einschieben. (Solid State Drive, Speichermedien)

Whatsapp: Krankschreibung auf Knopfdruck

Ein Hamburger Gründer verkauft Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigungen per Whatsapp. Ist das rechtens? Ärztevertreter warnen vor den Folgen. Von Miriam Apke (Medizin, Instant Messenger)

Ein Hamburger Gründer verkauft Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigungen per Whatsapp. Ist das rechtens? Ärztevertreter warnen vor den Folgen. Von Miriam Apke (Medizin, Instant Messenger)

SWAPGSAttack: Seitenkanal-Schwachstelle trifft wieder nur Intel

Mit der Spectre-ähnlichen SWAPGSAttack kann auf eigentlich geschützte Speicherbereiche zugegriffen werden, indem die spekulative Ausführung des Befehls ausgenutzt wird. Betroffen sind alle Intel-CPUs seit Ivy Bridge von 2012, von Microsoft gibt es bere…

Mit der Spectre-ähnlichen SWAPGSAttack kann auf eigentlich geschützte Speicherbereiche zugegriffen werden, indem die spekulative Ausführung des Befehls ausgenutzt wird. Betroffen sind alle Intel-CPUs seit Ivy Bridge von 2012, von Microsoft gibt es bereits Patches für Windows 10. (Sicherheitslücke, Prozessor)

Exynos 9825: Samsung hat den ersten 7-nm-EUV-Chip

Der Exynos 9825 ist der erste Chip, der mit extrem ultravioletter Strahlung in Serie gefertigt worden ist. Er steckt im Galaxy Note 10 und hat deutlich kompaktere Maße als sein Vorgänger, denn Samsung setzt auf einen Shrink. Technisch bleibt alles wie …

Der Exynos 9825 ist der erste Chip, der mit extrem ultravioletter Strahlung in Serie gefertigt worden ist. Er steckt im Galaxy Note 10 und hat deutlich kompaktere Maße als sein Vorgänger, denn Samsung setzt auf einen Shrink. Technisch bleibt alles wie gehabt - bis auf mehr Takt. (Prozessor, Smartphone)

Disney+, Hulu und ESPN+: Disney schnürt ein vergünstigtes Streamingpaket

Zur Markteinführung von Disney+ wird es den neuen Streamingdienst auch im Paket mit zwei etablierten Diensten geben – beide aus dem Hause Disney. Für Konkurrenten wie Netflix und Amazon wird es schwer, Kunden zu halten. (Disney, Streaming)

Zur Markteinführung von Disney+ wird es den neuen Streamingdienst auch im Paket mit zwei etablierten Diensten geben - beide aus dem Hause Disney. Für Konkurrenten wie Netflix und Amazon wird es schwer, Kunden zu halten. (Disney, Streaming)

Disney’s new streaming bundle priced to compete with “standard” Netflix plan

It’s the same price as Netflix’s 1080p streaming option, which went up in January.

Image of Mickey Mouse with Hulu and Disney+ logos.

Enlarge / Here they come, all together in a streaming bundle. (credit: Disney / Sam Machkovech)

The Walt Disney Company's latest quarterly earnings call included an announcement to investors that appears to take dead aim at Netflix: an all-Disney, three-service streaming bundle for $12.99/month, coming November 12.

The bundle will see three wholly owned Disney services—Disney+, ESPN+, and "ad-supported" Hulu—available as a combined online-streaming bundle once Disney+ launches in November. Separately, the services' asking prices add up to $17.97 ($6.99, $5.99, and $4.99, respectively), thus marking a 27% discount for the whole shebang.

That $12.99 price matches Netflix's "standard" service tier (which includes 1080p resolution and support for up to two simultaneous streams). Only one of Disney's bundled services, Disney+, includes support for higher-resolution video, but that comes as a free upgrade for supported streaming devices. Netflix's 4K offering requires upgrading to a $15.99/mo. plan. Should Netflix subscribers want to save money, they can downgrade to an $8.99 "basic" plan, which tops out at 480p resolution and only one device at a time.

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iOS 13 privacy feature will force total overhaul for Facebook apps

Apple is set for another privacy showdown with Facebook and VoIP apps.

Apple's Craig Federighi unveils iOS 13 at WWDC 2019.

Apple's Craig Federighi unveils iOS 13 at WWDC 2019. (credit: Ron Amadeo / Ars Technica)

Privacy has been a renewed focus with Apple’s next operating system update. One new feature in iOS 13 that seems centered on user privacy could have sweeping consequences for messaging and online call apps.

In iOS 13, Apple will not allow apps to run voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) in the background when the programs are not actively in use. Many apps that offer VoIP services currently run in the background, and they will need to be rewritten to adjust to Apple’s upcoming rules. The change is slated to roll out when iOS 13 is released in September. However, app developers will get a grace period, and they have until April 2020 to comply.

Apple has been putting privacy at the front and center of its business, especially as many tech companies make headlines for data breaches or misuse of personal information. iOS 13 will include multiple updates centered on giving users more control over how and when apps can get their information, such as one-time location sharing and a “Sign in with Apple” system.

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Silent Windows update patched side channel that leaked data from Intel CPUs

It took a year, but the patch fixes a new speculative-execution flaw found by Bitdefender.

An uncovered Intel Core i5-3210M (BGA) inside of a laptop.

Enlarge / An uncovered Intel Core i5-3210M (BGA) inside of a laptop. (credit: Köf3)

Microsoft last month pushed a silent update that mitigated a serious vulnerability in all CPUs Intel has introduced since 2012, researchers who discovered the flaw said Tuesday.

The vulnerability—discovered and privately reported to Intel 12 months ago—resided in every CPU Intel has introduced since at least its Ivy Bridge line of processors and possibly earlier, a researcher from security firm Bitdefender told Ars. By abusing a performance capability known as speculative execution, attackers could open a side channel that leaks encryption keys, passwords, private conversations, and other secrets that are normally off limits.

The attack demonstrated in a research paper published by Bitdefender is similar to those disclosed in January 2018 under the names Spectre and Meltdown. Patches Microsoft released around the same time largely blunted those attacks.

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Game of Thrones Visibly Boosted Global Piracy Traffic

Game of Thrones came to an end in 2019. The popular HBO TV series has made thousands of headlines over the years, not least because it was massively popular among pirates. New data now reveals that the final season actually triggered a visible uptick in global piracy traffic.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

Since the release of the first episode back in 2011, Game of Thrones has conquered the hearts of many people.

Unfortunately for HBO, not all of these fans have enjoyed the series through legal channels.

For several years in a row, Game of Thrones has been the most pirated TV-show. This year, when the final season aired, the interest was once again overwhelming.

While there have already been some numbers floating around, revealing that millions of people turned to pirate sites to watch the show, it wasn’t really clear what the broader impact was on the total piracy ecosystem.

There was some anecdotal evidence, with torrent site operators reporting massive boosts in traffic, but new data from MUSO now places the Game of Thrones numbers in a broader context.

When we reviewed global pirate site traffic data provided by MUSO this week, we noticed what at first appeared to be an unusual uptick. After more than a year of slowly declining visitor numbers, there was a sudden increase in April 2019, as can be seen below.

2019 global piracy web traffic, all categories (credit: MUSO)

Looking more closely, it turned out that this uptick was mostly related to video content. Other categories, including music piracy, were actually going down. While this seemed odd, the date of the sudden April spike provided a very likely explanation.

On April 14, the day of the Game of Thrones season premiere, the number of pirate site visits jumped drastically, up by roughly 45 million compared to a week earlier. This pattern returned with each subsequent episode, with the record being set after the third episode.

Overall, Game of Thrones appears to account for an initial uptick of roughly 8% in global traffic to pirate sites. That’s immense, to say the least. As mentioned before, this traffic boost wasn’t visible on other sites, such as stream-rippers, which are related to music piracy.

2019 global piracy web traffic to Stream-Rippers only (credit: MUSO)

Sites such as The Pirate Bay did notice a sharp increase in traffic though, as the graph below shows.

TPB traffic (credit: MUSO)

TorrentFreak spoke to Phil Taylor, an analyst at MUSO, who supports our findings and observed the Game of Thrones boost as well.

“The demand for piracy of Game of Thrones is unprecedented. The demand for GOT was so high that it visibly increased traffic for domains such as thepiratebay.org,” Taylor tells us.

“We will get a better view of overall traffic and trends for 2019 as the year progresses, however, the impact of Game of Thrones on overall traffic in April and May of 2019 is clear,” he adds.

Seeing the visible impact of a single title on overall yearly piracy data is rather unique. At TorrentFreak, we certainly haven’t seen it before. And now that Game of Thrones has come to an end, it’s doubtful we will again.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.