Linux: Networkmanager 1.20 unterstützt Mesh-WLANs

Die aktuelle Version 1.20 des Networkmanagers für Linux unterstützt Mesh-WLANs, auch wenn die Hardware dafür kaum verfügbar ist. Verbesserungen gibt es zudem für Read-only-Systeme und die Entwickler haben den Code verkleinert. (Linux, WLAN)

Die aktuelle Version 1.20 des Networkmanagers für Linux unterstützt Mesh-WLANs, auch wenn die Hardware dafür kaum verfügbar ist. Verbesserungen gibt es zudem für Read-only-Systeme und die Entwickler haben den Code verkleinert. (Linux, WLAN)

Spielebranche: Immer weniger wollen Spiele in Deutschland entwickeln

Unsicherheit über die finanzielle Förderung, aber auch ein schlechtes Image in Sachen Arbeitszeit und Bezahlung: Die Anzahl der Beschäftigen der deutschen Spielebranche ist innerhalb eines Jahres deutlich gesunken. (Spiele-Entwicklung, Games)

Unsicherheit über die finanzielle Förderung, aber auch ein schlechtes Image in Sachen Arbeitszeit und Bezahlung: Die Anzahl der Beschäftigen der deutschen Spielebranche ist innerhalb eines Jahres deutlich gesunken. (Spiele-Entwicklung, Games)

Google Game Builder ausprobiert: Spieldesign mit Karten statt Quellcode

Bitte Bild wackeln lassen und dann eine Explosion: Solche Befehle als Reaktion auf Ereignisse lassen sich im Game Builder relativ einfach verketten. Der Spieleeditor des Google-Entwicklerteams Area 120 ist nicht nur für Einsteiger gedacht – sondern auc…

Bitte Bild wackeln lassen und dann eine Explosion: Solche Befehle als Reaktion auf Ereignisse lassen sich im Game Builder relativ einfach verketten. Der Spieleeditor des Google-Entwicklerteams Area 120 ist nicht nur für Einsteiger gedacht - sondern auch für Profis, etwa für die Erstellung von Prototypen. Von Peter Steinlechner (Spiele-Entwicklung, Google)

Blu-ray, Ultra HD Blu-ray sales stats for the week ending July 27, 2019

The results and analysis for DVD, Blu-ray and Ultra HD Blu-ray sales for the week ending July 27, 2019, are in. A film based on a ’90s Japanese manga series is this week’s top seller. Find out what movie it was in our weekly DVD, Blu-ray and Ultra HD B…

The results and analysis for DVD, Blu-ray and Ultra HD Blu-ray sales for the week ending July 27, 2019, are in. A film based on a '90s Japanese manga series is this week's top seller. Find out what movie it was in our weekly DVD, Blu-ray and Ultra HD Blu-ray sales stats and analysis feature.

Digitale Dividende III: Veranstaltungstechnik sieht keinen Weg, auf 5G auszuweichen

Theateraufführungen, Konzerte oder Veranstaltungs- und Konferenztechnik nutzen Frequenzen im UHF-Spektrum. Ein Ausweichen auf 5G soll hier nicht möglich sein. (Audio/Video, DVB-T)

Theateraufführungen, Konzerte oder Veranstaltungs- und Konferenztechnik nutzen Frequenzen im UHF-Spektrum. Ein Ausweichen auf 5G soll hier nicht möglich sein. (Audio/Video, DVB-T)

I tried to pay with bitcoin at a Mexico City bar—it didn’t go well

After 10 years, Bitcoin is still searching for practical applications.

Me at Bitcoin Embassy Bar in Mexico City.

Enlarge / Me at Bitcoin Embassy Bar in Mexico City. (credit: Amanda Rohn)

I traveled to Mexico City last week to have a relaxing vacation with my wife—not to find stories for Ars Technica. But our Airbnb apartment happened to be around the corner from a bar called Bitcoin Embassy. How could I not check it out?

The bar included a bitcoin ATM that lets users trade physical cash for bitcoins, and vice versa (there are more than 5,000 bitcoin ATMs like this around the world). Bitcoin Embassy offered a 10% discount if I paid for my tab in bitcoin.

So I inserted a 500 peso note—about $25—into the machine. I downloaded a bitcoin wallet app from Google's Play Store. It generated an address for receiving the funds and displayed it as a QR code the ATM could scan. A few second later, the ATM spit out a receipt stating "Bitcoin purchased: 0.00245589."

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Freie Firmware: Linuxboot startet Windows

Kurz nach den ersten erfolgreichen Experimenten ist es dem Linuxboot-Projekt gelungen, Windows vollständig zu starten. Linuxboot soll proprietäre UEFI-Bestandteile ersetzen. (Firmware, Linux-Kernel)

Kurz nach den ersten erfolgreichen Experimenten ist es dem Linuxboot-Projekt gelungen, Windows vollständig zu starten. Linuxboot soll proprietäre UEFI-Bestandteile ersetzen. (Firmware, Linux-Kernel)

Wearables: Apple dominiert weiter den Smartwatch-Markt

Im zweiten Quartal 2019 hat Apple deutlich mehr Apple Watches verkauft als im selben Vorjahreszeitraum und hat fast 50 Prozent Marktanteil. Auch Samsung steigerte seinen Absatz, bei Fitbit lief es weniger gut. (Apple Watch, Apple)

Im zweiten Quartal 2019 hat Apple deutlich mehr Apple Watches verkauft als im selben Vorjahreszeitraum und hat fast 50 Prozent Marktanteil. Auch Samsung steigerte seinen Absatz, bei Fitbit lief es weniger gut. (Apple Watch, Apple)

BREIN “Burns Buttocks” of Pirate Who Forged Email & Refused to Pay Up

When Dutch anti-piracy group BREIN caught up with an eBook pirate, the company gave the man a chance to settle relatively cheaply. However, after failing to pay up, a judge has now ordered the man to pay three times as much money cited in the original agreement. “Whoever burns his buttocks must sit on the blisters,” says BREIN chief Tim Kuik.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

Dutch anti-piracy group BREIN is famous for taking on pirates both large and small. From The Pirate Bay to people dealing in IPTV boxes and sundry media, BREIN is rarely out of the headlines for long.

One of BREIN’s current strategies is to track down pirates, make them admit to their crimes, and then negotiate a settlement. This usually involves agreeing to cease-and-desist and handing over some kind of cash payment, to go towards any supposed losses incurred by its copyright holder partners and the costs of pursuing the case.

While some people keep to the agreed terms, others do not. BREIN says it doesn’t let these cases lie. Case in point, a man who sold pirated copies of eBooks in the Netherlands.

According to BREIN, the 38-year-old operated under the name Ebookplaza and Alexnav, selling thousands of eBooks via sites including, and This caught the attention of BREIN, who tracked the man down.

“Taking into account the man’s capacity to pay, BREIN reached a settlement consisting of a declaration of abstention with a penalty clause and a contribution to the costs of 450 euros,” BREIN said in a statement this morning.

BREIN believes its original offer to settle was reasonable but still, no payment was forthcoming. The man did not respond to reminders and a summons was returned marked as “address unknown.” But despite the relatively small settlement amount, BREIN wasn’t prepared to let the case go.

After discovering the man had protected his data with the authorities, BREIN took steps to find out where he now lived and after a procedure discovered he hadn’t moved away at all. BREIN sent in the bailiffs who were handed email ‘evidence’ that the case had been dismissed. According to the anti-piracy group, that email was faked.

“That the email was forged was not only apparent from the incorrect terminology – after all, it is not a criminal case – but in particular because the sender’s address was not in use at the time. BREIN then summoned the man. He did not appear at the session,” the anti-piracy group explained.

As a result, a judge sitting in Eindhoven has now awarded BREIN an even higher amount plus costs – 1,421 euros – with interest added on top until the date the amount is settled in full.

“This man got a very reasonable settlement and now he has to pay a lot more. We will not let him escape that,” says BREIN chief Tim Kuik.

“Whoever burns his buttocks must sit on the blisters.”

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

BREIN “Burns Buttocks” of Pirate Who Forged Email & Refused to Pay Up

When Dutch anti-piracy group BREIN caught up with an eBook pirate, the company gave the man a chance to settle relatively cheaply. However, after failing to pay up, a judge has now ordered the man to pay three times as much money cited in the original agreement. “Whoever burns his buttocks must sit on the blisters,” says BREIN chief Tim Kuik.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

Dutch anti-piracy group BREIN is famous for taking on pirates both large and small. From The Pirate Bay to people dealing in IPTV boxes and sundry media, BREIN is rarely out of the headlines for long.

One of BREIN’s current strategies is to track down pirates, make them admit to their crimes, and then negotiate a settlement. This usually involves agreeing to cease-and-desist and handing over some kind of cash payment, to go towards any supposed losses incurred by its copyright holder partners and the costs of pursuing the case.

While some people keep to the agreed terms, others do not. BREIN says it doesn’t let these cases lie. Case in point, a man who sold pirated copies of eBooks in the Netherlands.

According to BREIN, the 38-year-old operated under the name Ebookplaza and Alexnav, selling thousands of eBooks via sites including, and This caught the attention of BREIN, who tracked the man down.

“Taking into account the man’s capacity to pay, BREIN reached a settlement consisting of a declaration of abstention with a penalty clause and a contribution to the costs of 450 euros,” BREIN said in a statement this morning.

BREIN believes its original offer to settle was reasonable but still, no payment was forthcoming. The man did not respond to reminders and a summons was returned marked as “address unknown.” But despite the relatively small settlement amount, BREIN wasn’t prepared to let the case go.

After discovering the man had protected his data with the authorities, BREIN took steps to find out where he now lived and after a procedure discovered he hadn’t moved away at all. BREIN sent in the bailiffs who were handed email ‘evidence’ that the case had been dismissed. According to the anti-piracy group, that email was faked.

“That the email was forged was not only apparent from the incorrect terminology – after all, it is not a criminal case – but in particular because the sender’s address was not in use at the time. BREIN then summoned the man. He did not appear at the session,” the anti-piracy group explained.

As a result, a judge sitting in Eindhoven has now awarded BREIN an even higher amount plus costs – 1,421 euros – with interest added on top until the date the amount is settled in full.

“This man got a very reasonable settlement and now he has to pay a lot more. We will not let him escape that,” says BREIN chief Tim Kuik.

“Whoever burns his buttocks must sit on the blisters.”

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.