Huawei’s first Windows 10 on ARM PC is coming soon

Chinese electronics company Huawei is making some of the most impressive smartphones around these days, and while Huawei is a relative newcomer to the PC space, the company’s Matebook X Pro laptops are considered by many to be some of the best Wi…

Chinese electronics company Huawei is making some of the most impressive smartphones around these days, and while Huawei is a relative newcomer to the PC space, the company’s Matebook X Pro laptops are considered by many to be some of the best Windows notebooks available. So what’s next? Apparently a Windows on ARM PC. The […]

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Twitter Flags President Trump for Copyright Infringement, Again and Again

Yesterday evening President Trump tweeted a video, made by a supporter, which used music from ‘The Dark Knight’ soundtrack. Warner Bros. wasn’t pleased with this unauthorized reproduction and asked Twitter to take it down, which it did. While this may seem like an isolated incident, President Trump has made similar mistakes in the past, to which rightsholders are paying extra close attention.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

When President Trump took office in early 2017, copyright holders hoped to have found a new ally in their fight against piracy. 

The Copyright Alliance made this very clear in a public letter stressing that few presidents, if any, have had a more sizable and diverse copyright portfolio. 

In the two years that followed not a whole lot has changed in terms of U.S. copyright policies. However, Trump himself has made headlines on a few occasions, being accused of copyright infringement. 

This happened again yesterday when the US President posted, what many believed to be, a 2020 campaign video on Twitter. “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” Trump’s tweet reads, with the video made up of a variety of news clips underneath. 

The video in question has been floating around on YouTube for a few days and doesn’t appear to come from the White House, as some suggested. In fact, it was posted by a Reddit user “knock-nevisTDF,” last week, who says he made the clip himself.

The President appeared to like it though and was happy to share it via Twitter. However, what he may not have realized is that the video in question was set to music from “The Dark Knight Rises”, something that wasn’t well received by Warner Bros. Entertainment. 

The movie studio saw it as a clear case of copyright infringement and set its legal team on the ‘case.’

“The use of Warner Bros.’ score from ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ in the campaign video was unauthorized,” a Warner Bros. spokesperson said in a statement quoted by Variety. “We are working through the appropriate legal channels to have it removed.”

Shortly after this statement, Twitter did indeed take the video down, as can be seen below. The copy that was posted on YouTube and shared on Reddit has been removed as well, although it remains available elsewhere.

It’s an understatement to say that the President’s actions are being followed closely, so the removed video made headlines all over the world. Some reports even claim that the Warner Bros. is filing a “copyright infringement suit” against  Trump over his “2020 campaign video.”  

We haven’t seen any evidence of a pending lawsuit, nor is this an official campaign video, so this may just be another case of what President Trump would call ‘fake news.’ 

The reality is, however, that this isn’t the first time the President has been called out for sharing copyright-infringing content on Twitter. Just a few weeks ago, a video the R.E.M’s song, ‘Everybody Hurts,’ in the background, was removed by Twitter.

Twitter reportedly took this action after Mike Mills, the bassist for R.E.M., complained about the unauthorized use of the track. 

And just last week Electronic Arts reported one of President Trump’s tweets for using copyrighted audio from a Mass Effect 2 game trailer without permission. That is now ‘withheld’ from the public. 

And that’s not all. There is also a copyright claim on a tweet about a beautiful evening in El Paso, posted a few weeks ago. While more detail is not available, we assume that the President used copyrighted material without permission, again.

If that’s not enough, there are trademark issues as well. HBO didn’t like it when President Trump used a photo containing the Game of Thrones font and a play on the “Winter is Coming” message in a political context. 

The company said in a statement that it “would prefer our trademark not be misappropriated for political purposes,” hinting at trademark misuse, but it’s unclear whether it took any action in response. 

For now, none of the complaints are affecting the status of President Trump’s Twitter account.

In theory, Twitter reserves the right to suspend accounts that repeatedly receive copyright complaints. This is clearly stated in the company’s copyright policy. 

“If multiple copyright complaints are received Twitter may lock accounts or take other actions to warn repeat violators. These warnings may vary across Twitter’s services. Under appropriate circumstances we may suspend user accounts under our repeat infringer policy,” the policy reads.

How many “offenses” are needed to warrant a suspension is not mentioned, however. 

Finally, it’s worth noting that the “Dark Knight Rises” score, titled “Why Do We Fall?” was composed by Hans Zimmer. He previously shared the track on his YouTube account, but the video in question was recently removed, likely by himself. 

That said, the same music is used in hundreds if not thousands of other YouTube videos, and it’s widely shared on Twitter as well. Apparently, copyright takedowns have priority when the President is involved. 

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

Galaxy A: Samsung baut seine Mittelklasseserie um

Die A-Serie wird Samsungs neue Einsteiger- bis Mittelklasseserie – und fasst damit die bisherigen Galaxy-J- und Galaxy-A-Serien zusammen. Der Hersteller hat drei neue Smartphones vorgestellt, das Top-Modell hat eine drehbare Dreifachkamera. (Samsung, S…

Die A-Serie wird Samsungs neue Einsteiger- bis Mittelklasseserie - und fasst damit die bisherigen Galaxy-J- und Galaxy-A-Serien zusammen. Der Hersteller hat drei neue Smartphones vorgestellt, das Top-Modell hat eine drehbare Dreifachkamera. (Samsung, Smartphone)

We now have images of the environment at a black hole’s event horizon

Black holes exist, and we’ve now seen light from next to the event horizon.

The first image of the environment around a black hole. As a matter of fact, it's not all dark.

Enlarge / The first image of the environment around a black hole. As a matter of fact, it's not all dark. (credit: National Science Foundation)

Two years ago, telescopes around the world turned their attention to two supermassive black holes. Now, after a massive computational effort, their data has been combined in a way that allowed them to function as a single, Earth-sized telescope. The results are an unprecedented glimpse of the environment around supermassive black holes, and they confirm that relativity still works under the most extreme gravitational forces.

The black hole in question is a supermassive one at the center of the galaxy M87, 55 million light years away. M87 is an active galaxy where the black hole is feeding on matter and ejecting jets of material. The image is made from photons that were temporarily trapped in orbit around the black hole. Here, the intense gravity causes matter—and even space itself—to move at approximately the speed of light. The eventual escape of these photons causes a bright ring to appear around the black hole itself, with the details of the ring reflecting the physics of the black hole.

A monster

At a press conference this morning, Avery Broderick of the Perimeter Institute described what the images tell us. One key finding is that the object is a black hole, at least as we've understood black holes using relativity. It does not have any visible surface, and the "shadow" of light it creates is circular within the limits of our observations. We can also tell that it spins clockwise. All of the properties we can infer from these images are consistent with relativity. "I was a little stunned that it matched the predictions we made so well," said Broderick.

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YouTube to develop interactive content like Netflix’s Bandersnatch

It’s another type of programming to bring viewers—and advertisers—to YouTube.

The YouTube play-button logo duplicated numerous times on a white background.

Enlarge (credit: NurPhoto/Getty Images)

YouTube is looking to expand the types of original content it produces to include choose-your-own-adventure style programs. According to a Bloomberg report, the Google-owned company will develop interactive content similar to Netflix's hit Bandersnatch under the leadership fo Ben Relles. Previously the head of unscripted programming, Relles has been with YouTube for eight years but has just begun in his new role.

Since the plan is in its infancy, there's no word on what types of interactive content we could see from YouTube yet. The company has experimented with interactive advertising, but has yet to introduce viewer choice into its original programming. It could be a while before we see a choose-your-own-adventure creation from YouTube because this type of content, with multiple different options and endings, takes more time, effort, and money to produce than regular original programming.

Reportedly, YouTube's looking to bolster its original content offerings and increase ad sales by making interactive content. It's also hoping to get on the same playing field as some of its competition. Netflix's Black Mirror event Bandersnatch, which launched at the end of 2018, was such a huge success that the company plans on developing more interactive TV series. Walmart may even get into the mix soon, as it has invested $250 million in a "joint venture" with Eko, a company that makes interactive content.

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Urheberrecht: Merkel bekräftigt Zustimmung zu Uploadfiltern

Anders als mehrere europäische Länder will Deutschland der EU-Urheberrechtsrichtlinie zustimmen. Über eine Protokollerklärung zu Uploadfiltern gibt es laut Kanzlerin Merkel noch Streit in der Koalition. (Leistungsschutzrecht, Urheberrecht)

Anders als mehrere europäische Länder will Deutschland der EU-Urheberrechtsrichtlinie zustimmen. Über eine Protokollerklärung zu Uploadfiltern gibt es laut Kanzlerin Merkel noch Streit in der Koalition. (Leistungsschutzrecht, Urheberrecht)

Spielername: Sony ermöglicht Änderung der Playstation-ID

Ab morgen können Spieler ihren Namen im Playstation Network ändern. Mit den meisten Games sollte es keine Schwierigkeiten geben – nur bei wenigen etwas älteren wie GTA 5 und Bloodborne müssen Spieler mit minimalen Problemen rechnen. (PSN, Sony)

Ab morgen können Spieler ihren Namen im Playstation Network ändern. Mit den meisten Games sollte es keine Schwierigkeiten geben - nur bei wenigen etwas älteren wie GTA 5 und Bloodborne müssen Spieler mit minimalen Problemen rechnen. (PSN, Sony)

Open Source: Google startet Cloud-Kooperation mit Datenbank-Herstellern

Die Anbieter bedeutender Open-Source-Datenbanken wie MongoDB, Redis und Elastic haben in der Vergangenheit die großen Cloud-Anbieter harsch kritisiert und auch ihre Lizenzen geändert. Google kooperiert nun offiziell mit vielen dieser Firmen. (Google, C…

Die Anbieter bedeutender Open-Source-Datenbanken wie MongoDB, Redis und Elastic haben in der Vergangenheit die großen Cloud-Anbieter harsch kritisiert und auch ihre Lizenzen geändert. Google kooperiert nun offiziell mit vielen dieser Firmen. (Google, Cloud Computing)

Samsung Galaxy A80’s rotating triple cameras face the front or back

Samsung’s new Galaxy A80 is a smartphone that’s nearly all screen on the front, thanks to slim bezels and no visible front-facing camera. But that’s because the three cameras on the back of the camera are also the phone’s front-…

Samsung’s new Galaxy A80 is a smartphone that’s nearly all screen on the front, thanks to slim bezels and no visible front-facing camera. But that’s because the three cameras on the back of the camera are also the phone’s front-facing cameras. When you fire up the camera app and switch to selfie mode, the camera section […]

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Verkehr: Lufttaxis sind in der Stadt nicht sauberer als Autos

Eine Reihe von Unternehmen entwickelt an Gefährten, die den Nahverkehr in die Luft verlegen sollen. Sie mögen zwar schneller sein als ein Auto, auf den üblichen Kurzstrecken sind sie aber schädlicher für die Umwelt. Auf längeren Strecken kann das ander…

Eine Reihe von Unternehmen entwickelt an Gefährten, die den Nahverkehr in die Luft verlegen sollen. Sie mögen zwar schneller sein als ein Auto, auf den üblichen Kurzstrecken sind sie aber schädlicher für die Umwelt. Auf längeren Strecken kann das anders aussehen. (Luftfahrt, Technologie)