Videostreaming: Netflix erhöht die Abopreise in Deutschland

Netflix wird in Deutschland abermals teurer. Lediglich das Einstiegsabo bleibt quasi als Lockangebot im Preis erneut unangetastet. Die beiden höherwertigen Abomodelle steigen im Preis. (Netflix, Streaming)

Netflix wird in Deutschland abermals teurer. Lediglich das Einstiegsabo bleibt quasi als Lockangebot im Preis erneut unangetastet. Die beiden höherwertigen Abomodelle steigen im Preis. (Netflix, Streaming)

ESWE: Wiesbaden kauft 56 elektrische Mercedes-Busse

Die Wiesbadener Verkehrsbetriebe ESWE werden 56 elektrische eCitaro-Busse von Daimler kaufen. Daimler wird auch für den Umbau des Betriebshofes, die Ladeinfrastruktur sowie das Lademanagement verantwortlich sein. (ÖPNV, Technologie)

Die Wiesbadener Verkehrsbetriebe ESWE werden 56 elektrische eCitaro-Busse von Daimler kaufen. Daimler wird auch für den Umbau des Betriebshofes, die Ladeinfrastruktur sowie das Lademanagement verantwortlich sein. (ÖPNV, Technologie)

NFC: iPhone soll Daten aus Reisepässen auslesen

Das iPhone soll künftig als Lesegerät für NFC-Chips dienen, mit dem Daten aus Reisepässen ausgelesen werden können. Apple will die Funktion noch vor Ende 2019 auf Wunsch Großbritanniens bereitstellen. (NFC, iPhone)

Das iPhone soll künftig als Lesegerät für NFC-Chips dienen, mit dem Daten aus Reisepässen ausgelesen werden können. Apple will die Funktion noch vor Ende 2019 auf Wunsch Großbritanniens bereitstellen. (NFC, iPhone)

Huge Number of Promo Screener Leaks Suggests Something Amiss

A huge number of recently leaked pirated TV shows from a number of different distributors and TV networks could suggest that pirates have found a new way to access promotional screeners.Leaks of new episodes of shows like ‘The 100’ and ‘The Bold Type’,…

A huge number of recently leaked pirated TV shows from a number of different distributors and TV networks could suggest that pirates have found a new way to access promotional screeners.

Leaks of new episodes of shows like 'The 100' and 'The Bold Type', and even complete unaired seasons of shows like 'The Spanish Princess', 'Ramy' and 'The Red Line'.

Shows from The CW, Hulu and Starz are among the vast treasure trove of content that has recently hit the piracy networks, suggesting the leak isn't with any particular distributor, network or production company.

What is clear is that the pirated shows were all sourced from promotional screeners due to the fact that they were all watermarked that way.

Promo screeners are sent to reviewers, award voters and others in the industry as a way to promote new shows and upcoming seasons. They are almost always protected via watermarking technology that either clearly identifies the content as a screener and in some cases, clearly identifies the person that the screener was sent to. In fact, a leaked 'American Gods' episode even features the name 'Jessica Silvester', possibly the original intended recipient of the screeners. There is no suggestion that this Jessica Silvester is the source of the leak, however, as the screeners could have been intercepted before they reached her, or were digitally/physically stolen from her at some point.

Also present among many of the videos is a watermark added post piracy promoting the Russian gambling site 1XBET, who, according to piracy news website TorrentFreak, has been a "sponsor" of several recent pirated releases. 

It's unknown at this time whether a legal investigation has commenced in regards to the source of the leaks, something that has happened in the past and has led to arrests.

Here is a list of all the leaked screeners so far, according to TorrentFreak:

  • The 100, Season 6, Episode 1 and 2
  • American Gods, Season 2, Episode 5, 6 and 7
  • In The Dark, Season 1, Episode 1, 2 and 3
  • The Code, Season 1, Episode 1
  • The Bold Type, Season 3, Episode 1, 2 and 3
  • Bless This Mess, Season 1, Episode 1
  • Knightfall, Season 2, Episode 3 and 4
  • The Chi, Season 2, Episode 2, 3, 4 and 5
  • The Act, Season 1, Episode, 5, 6, 7 and 8
  • The Spanish Princess, Full Season
  • Ramy, Full Season
  • The Red Line, Full season

[via TorrentFreak]

Amazon admits that employees review “small sample” of Alexa audio

Amazon says it uses human transcriptions to “improve the customer experience.”

Amazon admits that employees review “small sample” of Alexa audio

Enlarge (credit: Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images)

Most of the time, when you talk to an Amazon Echo device, only Amazon's voice-recognition software is listening. But sometimes, Bloomberg reports, a copy of the audio is sent to a human reviewer at one of several Amazon offices around the world. The human listens to the audio clip, transcribes it, and adds annotations to help Amazon's algorithms get better.

“We take the security and privacy of our customers’ personal information seriously,” an Amazon spokesman said in a statement emailed to Bloomberg. “We only annotate an extremely small sample of Alexa voice recordings in order [to] improve the customer experience."

Bloomberg hints at a significant workforce doing this kind of work. Bloomberg says Amazon has employees listening to audio clips in offices in Boston, Costa Rica, India, and Romania. Employees interpret as many as 1,000 audio clips in a 9-hour shift.

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After pushback from states and cities, Amazon Go might accept cash

Company could also accept SNAP benefits, but how it will change remains unclear.

Amazon Go interior


According to CNBC, Amazon executive Steve Kessel told employees at a recent all-hands meeting that the company's brick-and-mortar, cashier-less Amazon Go stores would start accepting "additional payment mechanisms" to combat charges of discrimination.

An Amazon spokesperson later told CNBC that those additional mechanisms included accepting cash. "You’ll check out, pay with cash, and then get your change,” the spokesperson said.

Recently, Philadelphia and New Jersey passed laws prohibiting cashless retail stores on the grounds that they discriminate against the more than eight million US households who have no access to a debit or credit card, often due to poverty. Lawmakers also said that cashless stores needlessly deny customers the option to have their purchases be private. New York City and San Francisco have been considering similar rules. Cashless stores have been illegal in Massachusetts since the 1970's.

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SNL’s Kate McKinnon will play Theranos’ Elizabeth Holmes in new Hulu series

McKinnon will also executive produce the show, based on popular “The Dropout” podcast.

If a book, podcast, and pair of ABC and HBO documentaries weren't enough, Elizabeth Holmes' prominence in the media will soon continue in the form of a Hulu-exclusive TV series.

Deadline reported on Wednesday that the co-founder and disgraced CEO of Theranos will be played by Kate McKinnon (SNL, Ghostbusters) in a series called The Dropout, named after the podcast that chronicled the rise and fall of Holmes' formerly $4 billion health-tech company. The TV version is described as a "limited series" with an expected length of 6-10 episodes.

McKinnon will be joined on the production front by major players from ABC's Dropout podcast, including its host and creator Rebecca Jarvis. Since the series is being reported as very recently "ordered," no other information (including supporting cast or writers) has yet been revealed.

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Yahoo tries to settle 3-billion-account data breach with $118 million payout

Verizon-owned Yahoo boosted offer after judge rejected first settlement.

A Yahoo logo on a smartphone.

Enlarge / A Yahoo logo on a smartphone. (credit: Getty Images | SOPA Images )

Yahoo and plaintiffs, in a case over a data breach affecting three billion user accounts, have agreed to a settlement that would require Yahoo to pay $117.5 million.

The sides previously agreed to a settlement of $50 million plus attorneys' fees and other expenses, but it was rejected by US District Judge Lucy Koh in January.

Yahoo and the plaintiffs filed their new proposed settlement yesterday in US District Court for the Northern District of California. This one will also face a judge's review.

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Lilbits 358: Ryzen-powered “Zork” Chromebook on the way (if it’s not eaten by a grue.”

Acer and HP unveiled the first Chromebooks powered by AMD processors this year and they’re… cheap laptops with cheap, low-power processors. If you’d been holding out for a Chromebook with a more powerful AMD Ryzen processor, it looks …

Acer and HP unveiled the first Chromebooks powered by AMD processors this year and they’re… cheap laptops with cheap, low-power processors. If you’d been holding out for a Chromebook with a more powerful AMD Ryzen processor, it looks like you might not have to wait forever. Kevin Tofel from About Chromebooks spotted references in Chromium […]

The post Lilbits 358: Ryzen-powered “Zork” Chromebook on the way (if it’s not eaten by a grue.” appeared first on Liliputing.

Lilbits 358: Ryzen-powered “Zork” Chromebook on the way (if it’s not eaten by a grue.”

Acer and HP unveiled the first Chromebooks powered by AMD processors this year and they’re… cheap laptops with cheap, low-power processors. If you’d been holding out for a Chromebook with a more powerful AMD Ryzen processor, it looks …

Acer and HP unveiled the first Chromebooks powered by AMD processors this year and they’re… cheap laptops with cheap, low-power processors. If you’d been holding out for a Chromebook with a more powerful AMD Ryzen processor, it looks like you might not have to wait forever. Kevin Tofel from About Chromebooks spotted references in Chromium […]

The post Lilbits 358: Ryzen-powered “Zork” Chromebook on the way (if it’s not eaten by a grue.” appeared first on Liliputing.