Steal This Show S04E14: Faircoin Part 2

Today we bring you the next episode of the Steal This Show podcast, discussing renegade media and the latest decentralization and file-sharing news. In this episode, we continue our conversation with Enric Duran, leader of the Faircoin project and founder of Fair Coop.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

This is the second and final part of our interview with Enric Duran, leader of the Faircoin project and founder of Fair Coop.

We discuss the advantage of using Faircoin rather than Bitcoin or even Euros; the history of anarchism of in Spain and the use of pre-crypto ‘scrip’ currencies in and between anarchist communes; the need to build an infrastructure for the coming community of disaffected normies, and more.

We also take a long excursion into Enric’s backstory as the ‘Robin Hood’ of the antiglobalisation movement: how he stole half a million euros plus from banks and gave it all to anticapitalist projects, and his ensuing life in the underground. And finally, we come around to the big question: how to get to a global Commons without requiring big-state communism. Bonus: the mysterious link between Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin and Enric Duran’s commune Calafou.

Steal This Show aims to release bi-weekly episodes featuring insiders discussing crypto, privacy, copyright and file-sharing developments. It complements our regular reporting by adding more room for opinion, commentary, and analysis.

Host: Jamie King

Guest: Enric Duran

If you enjoy this episode, consider becoming a patron and getting involved with the show. Check out Steal This Show’s Patreon campaign: support us and get all kinds of fantastic benefits!

Produced by Jamie King
Edited & Mixed by Lucas Marston
Original Music by David Triana
Web Production by Eric Barch

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and more. We also have VPN reviews, discounts, offers and coupons.

Dan Cases A4-SFX und Zaber Sentry: Mini-ITX-Gehäuse erhalten verbesserte Neuauflage

Das Dan Cases A4-SFX als vierte Version hat einen USB-C-Anschluss an der Front und Platz für einen 92-mm-Lüfter, zudem wird das Gehäuse günstiger. Die zweite Auflage des Zaber Sentry weist eine überarbeitete Perforation, eine vereinfachte Montage und m…

Das Dan Cases A4-SFX als vierte Version hat einen USB-C-Anschluss an der Front und Platz für einen 92-mm-Lüfter, zudem wird das Gehäuse günstiger. Die zweite Auflage des Zaber Sentry weist eine überarbeitete Perforation, eine vereinfachte Montage und mehr Platz für Festplatten auf. (PC-Gehäuse, USB 3.0)

Rocket Report: Virgin to fly from Guam, why SpaceX is mum on the Moon plan

“The investors are fundamentally missing the change that’s happening at the company.”

A Falcon 9 rocket launches from Vandenberg Air Force Base.

Enlarge / A Falcon 9 rocket launches from Vandenberg Air Force Base. (credit: Aurich Lawson/SpaceX)

Welcome to Edition 1.44 of the Rocket Report! There remains no let-up in the world of lift, with lots of activity in the realm of smallsat launchers as well as some interesting speculation about the future of Aerojet's rocket engine business. Oh, and we think we know why SpaceX hasn't had too much to say yet about a Falcon Heavy Moon mission.

As always, we welcome reader submissions, and if you don't want to miss an issue, please subscribe using the box below (the form will not appear on AMP-enabled versions of the site). Each report will include information on small-, medium-, and heavy-lift rockets as well as a quick look ahead at the next three launches on the calendar.

Relativity announces first launch contract. The California-based rocket company Relativity announced its first customer on Friday, the global satellite operator Telesat. The contract for flights on the Terran 1 rocket includes "multiple" launches, but Relativity chief executive Tim Ellis said he could not provide additional details in an interview with Ars. Although this is the first contract the company has chosen to announce, he said, Relativity has signed other binding deals earlier.

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Messenger: gehackt

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Mit ist einer der am meisten genutzten Server des Messengers Matrix gehackt worden. Betroffene sollten umgehend ihr Passwort ändern. Auch der mutmaßliche Angreifer gibt Sicherheitstipps auf Github. (Matrix, Instant Messenger)

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Rund 5.200 Mitarbeiter wenden sich in einem offenen Brief kritisch an Jeff Bezos und die Amazon-Führung: Von den großen IT-Unternehmen sei der Konzern am weitesten von einer nachhaltigen Energiepolitik entfernt. (Amazon, GreenIT)

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Das Entwicklerstudio The Farm 51 bittet die Community um Unterstützung für sein Actionspiel Chernobylite, weil es Umgebungen möglichst akkurat 3D-scannen will. Auch das Unternehmen hinter Myst begründet eine Kickstarter-Kampagne mit neuer Technologie. (Crowdfunding, Adventure)

Microsoft: Update und Antivirensoftware verlangsamen Windows

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Diverse Antivirenhersteller berichten ein merkwürdiges Verhalten von Windows 7, 8.1 und älteren Serverversionen. Das neue April-Update verursache langsame Prozesse und fehlerhaftes Booten. Auch Windows 10 könnte betroffen sein. (Windows, Microsoft)

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Weiße Plastiknotebooks, schicke Workstations und Monitore mit hoher Farbtreue - das klingt nicht nur nach Apple-Hardware, das soll sie auch ersetzen. Acers neue Submarke Concept D hat sich das vorgenommen. (Acer, CAD)