Ajit Pai proposes $20 billion for “up to” gigabit-speed rural broadband

$20 billion over 10 years to connect up to 4 million rural homes and businesses.

An illustration of Earth, with circuits covering North America and an Ethernet cable being plugged into the planet.

Enlarge (credit: Getty Images | Henrik5000)

Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai is proposing a $20.4 billion rural broadband fund that could connect up to four million homes and small businesses over the next ten years.

The new program will be part of the Universal Service Fund (USF), and it will be similar to an existing USF program that began during the Obama administration. In 2015, the USF's Connect America Fund (CAF) awarded $9 billion for rural broadband deployment—$1.5 billion annually for six years—in order to connect 3.6 million homes and businesses.

Carriers that accepted the CAF money are required to finish the broadband deployments by the end of 2020. Pai's proposed Rural Digital Opportunity Fund will be the follow-on program, an FCC spokesperson told Ars. The fund would "inject $20.4 billion into high-speed broadband networks in rural America over the next decade," the FCC said.

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We can admit it—we’re dazzled by the controlled fury of the Falcon Heavy

This very tall image of 27 engines firing is worth checking out.

Sometimes, you've just got to pause for a moment to appreciate great feats of engineering.

On Thursday, before it took off, the Falcon Heavy rocket stood on a Florida launch pad and packed the energy equivalent of a tactical nuclear weapon. Then, as it launched, all of this energy poured forth from 27 engines in a meticulously controlled explosion for the purpose of sending a 6-ton satellite into geostationary orbit.

The single image below, of those 27 engines burning against the sunset backdrop along the Florida coast, may in some small measure put that achievement into perspective.

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Daily Deals (4-12-2019)

The new Acer Spin 3 convertible laptop with an Intel Whiskey Lake processor is coming this summer. But Newegg is currently running a sale on last year’s model, which means that for $520 you can pick up a 3.8 pound convertible tablet-style noteboo…

The new Acer Spin 3 convertible laptop with an Intel Whiskey Lake processor is coming this summer. But Newegg is currently running a sale on last year’s model, which means that for $520 you can pick up a 3.8 pound convertible tablet-style notebook with a 14 inch, 1920 x 1080 pixel touchscreen display, an Intel Core […]

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Stressed-out laser diode may deliver 200Gb/s data rates

Stressing a laser diode, and spin polarized electrons yields 200GHz modulation.

Laser beams illuminating unit of Diode Pumped Green Laser.

Enlarge / Laser beams illuminating unit of Diode Pumped Green Laser. (credit: Forrest Anderson | The LIFE Images Collection | Getty Images)

The data usage of the modern world is absolutely mind-boggling. We have giant, air-conditioned buildings dedicated to shuffling bits around at high speed. And for what? To ensure that Instagram can tell Facebook to tell its advertisers that you really love rubber duckies.

Vicious truth-telling aside, the infrastructure underlying data centers is based on lasers that are modulated at high speed. Thanks to some recently published research, however, the latest and greatest of the hardware currently in our data centers will start to look very slow. A speed-up of about a factor of 10 may be just around the corner.

Birefringence is your friend

It turns out that the key to making a laser go faster is to make it a bit shoddy. Let’s break that down.

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Preisvergleich: Idealo verklagt Google auf rund eine halbe Milliarde Euro

Google missbraucht seine marktbeherrschende Stellung – findet zumindest der Preisvergleichsdienst Idealo und verklagt den Konkurrenten auf rund eine halbe Milliarde Euro. Die Summe könnte im Verlauf des Rechtsstreits sogar noch steigen. (Politik/Recht,…

Google missbraucht seine marktbeherrschende Stellung - findet zumindest der Preisvergleichsdienst Idealo und verklagt den Konkurrenten auf rund eine halbe Milliarde Euro. Die Summe könnte im Verlauf des Rechtsstreits sogar noch steigen. (Politik/Recht, Google)

Freedom Revolution: Sifive hat RISC-V-Designs in 7 nm mit HBM2e

Mit der Freedom Revolution gibt es eine Plattform mit 7-nm-Fertigung, die RISC-V-Kerne mit einem schnellen HBM2e-Controller/Interface kombiniert. Neben High Bandwidth Memory unterstützt das Design auch LPDDR5-Arbeitsspeicher und PCIe-Gen5-Serdes. (RISC…

Mit der Freedom Revolution gibt es eine Plattform mit 7-nm-Fertigung, die RISC-V-Kerne mit einem schnellen HBM2e-Controller/Interface kombiniert. Neben High Bandwidth Memory unterstützt das Design auch LPDDR5-Arbeitsspeicher und PCIe-Gen5-Serdes. (RISCV, Prozessor)

Geometry A: Geely stellt Elektromarke und Elektroauto vor

Geely will ab 2022 zusammen mit Daimler den Elektro-Smart fertigen. Zudem hat der chinesische Autohersteller eine eigene Marke für Elektroautos gegründet. Deren erstes Modell wurde schon vielfach vorbestellt. (Elektroauto, Technologie)

Geely will ab 2022 zusammen mit Daimler den Elektro-Smart fertigen. Zudem hat der chinesische Autohersteller eine eigene Marke für Elektroautos gegründet. Deren erstes Modell wurde schon vielfach vorbestellt. (Elektroauto, Technologie)

ASRock iBOX is a fanless mini PC with Intel Whiskey Lake-U chips

Intel’s 15 watt Whiskey Lake-U series chips are most commonly found in laptops. But they’re also a pretty good fit for small form factor desktop computers, particularly if you’re looking for a relatively low-power chip for a passively…

Intel’s 15 watt Whiskey Lake-U series chips are most commonly found in laptops. But they’re also a pretty good fit for small form factor desktop computers, particularly if you’re looking for a relatively low-power chip for a passively-cooled machine. Now it looks like ASRock has launched one of the first fanless mini-desktop PCs featuring Whiskey […]

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TES Blades im Test: Tolles Tamriel trollt

In jedem The Elder Scrolls verbringe ich viel Zeit in Tamriel, in TES Blades allerdings am Smartphone statt am PC oder an der Konsole. Mich überzeugen Atmosphäre und Kämpfe des Rollenspiels; der Aufbau der Stadt und der Charakter-Fortschritt aber werde…

In jedem The Elder Scrolls verbringe ich viel Zeit in Tamriel, in TES Blades allerdings am Smartphone statt am PC oder an der Konsole. Mich überzeugen Atmosphäre und Kämpfe des Rollenspiels; der Aufbau der Stadt und der Charakter-Fortschritt aber werden geblockt durch kostspielige Trolle. Ein Test von Marc Sauter (The Elder Scrolls, Spieletest)

DVD and Blu-ray sales nearly halved over five years, MPAA report says

The MPAA report is chock-full of interesting figures about a changing industry.

Samsung's UBS-K8500 Blu-ray player

Enlarge / Samsung's UBS-K8500, introduced in 2015, was positioned as the world's first UltraHD, 4K Blu-ray player. (credit: Mark Walton)

In its annual Theatrical Home Entertainment Market Environment report, the Motion Picture Association of America described an immensely sharp drop-off of physical media sales over the past five years. According to the data, which was obtained from DEG and IHS Markit, global sales of video disc formats (which in this context means DVD, Blu-ray, and UltraHD Blu-ray) were $25.2 billion in 2014 but only $13.1 in 2018. That's a drop in the ballpark of 50 percent.

Don't expect 8K Blu-rays or other emerging quality-focused formats to turn the tide, either. Market data published by Forbes showed that the aging, low-definition DVD format still accounts for 57.9 percent of physical media sales, and 4K Blu-rays are only 5.3 percent.

Samsung introduced the very first UltraHD (that's the industry certification for 4K discs) Blu-ray in 2015 but told the press it was stopping manufacture of Blu-ray players in the US this year—and not just 4K ones, either. Chinese OEM Oppo made a similar announcement last year, though Sony and Panasonic continue to make dedicated Blu-ray players. Also, Microsoft and Sony's game consoles still play Blu-rays.

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