Mobile Series MS09: Silverstone macht M.2-SSD zum USB-Stick

Wem bisherige USB-Sticks nicht schnell genug sind, der nimmt Silverstones MS09: In das Gehäuse wird eine M.2-SSD gesteckt, dank USB 3.1 Gen2 und schnellerem Controller passt dann auch die Geschwindigkeit. Eine Einschränkung gibt es aber. (Solid State D…

Wem bisherige USB-Sticks nicht schnell genug sind, der nimmt Silverstones MS09: In das Gehäuse wird eine M.2-SSD gesteckt, dank USB 3.1 Gen2 und schnellerem Controller passt dann auch die Geschwindigkeit. Eine Einschränkung gibt es aber. (Solid State Drive, Speichermedien)

There’s an app for that? We talk about developing for cars with iHeartRadio

Do third-party apps for infotainment systems matter? We ask a developer.

Enlarge / An example of an OEM infotainment system with third-party apps—in this case, Lexus. (credit: Lexus)

The infotainment systems in new cars are probably the most easily detectable influence of how consumer technology is changing the auto industry. A decade of smartphones has changed our expectations; now we're accustomed to frequent updates that car makers are still trying to wrap their business models around. As Ron Amadeo found out in his mammoth review, some infotainment systems are definitely better than others, but it's fair to say that the best ones are really quite good.

We are also at the point where third parties are developing apps for these car platforms, which is probably a good thing, as the sad ending to Windows Phone illustrates. (A couple of caveats: yes, it's not quite analogous to the smartphone market, and I doubt that an infotainment system will be the main reason someone decides to buy a particular make or model. And yes, Apple and Google have created "casted interfaces" for iOS and Android. But the number of apps that are compatible with this mode is limited, and plenty of OEMs are yet to add CarPlay or Android Auto support to their infotainment platforms.) For example, Parkmobile recently added an app for BMW's iDrive platform, and iHeartRadio has been very active in porting its app to multiple infotainment platforms.

I've been curious about whether it's a challenge to get one's app on all these platforms. Sadly, getting developers to talk on the record hasn't been particularly easy, but Michele Laven, president of business development and partnerships at iHeartMedia, did give Ars some feedback on the process.

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Mobilitätsprojekt Ioki: Bahn macht Sammeltaxi zum autonomen On-Demand-Shuttle

On-Demand und autonom: Mit der digitalen Version des Anrufsammeltaxis will die Deutsche Bahn ihren Kunden eine besser vernetzte Mobilität bieten. Der erste autonome Bus in Deutschland ist aber noch sehr langsam unterwegs. Ein Bericht von Friedhelm Grei…

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APFS in High Sierra 10.13 im Test: Apple hat die MacOS-Dateisystem-Werkzeuge vergessen

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Epic Sues ‘Fortnite’ Cheaters For Copyright Infringement

Game developer and publisher Epic is taking ‘Fortnite’ cheating very seriously. After banning thousands of accounts, the company has now filed lawsuits against two prolific cheaters of the popular Battle Royale game. “Nobody likes a cheater. And nobody likes playing with cheaters,” Epic notes.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

Founded in 1991, Epic has developed and published computer games for over a quarter century.

The North Carolina company is known for titles such as Unreal, Gears of War, Infinity Blade, and most recently, the popular co-op survival and building action game Fortnite.

A few weeks ago, Fortnite released the free-to-play “Battle Royale” game mode for the PC and other platforms, generating massive interest from gamers. Unfortunately, this also included thousands of cheaters, many whom have been banned since.

Last week, Epic stressed that addressing Fortnite cheaters is the company’s highest priority, hinting that they wouldn’t stop at banning users.

“We are constantly working against both the cheaters themselves and the cheat providers. And it’s ongoing, we’re exploring every measure to ensure these cheaters are removed and stay removed from Fortnite Battle Royale and the Epic ecosystem,” the company wrote.

It turns out that this wasn’t an idle threat. TorrentFreak has obtained two complaints that were filed in a North Carolina federal court this week, which show that Epic is launching a legal battle against two prolific cheaters.

The two alleged cheaters are identified as Mr. Broom and Mr. Vraspir. Both are accused of violating Fortnite’s terms of service and EULA by cheating. This involves modifying and changing the game’s code, committing copyright infringement in the process.

“The software that Defendant uses to cheat infringes Epic’s copyrights in the game and breaches the terms of the agreements to which Defendant agreed in order to have access to the game,” the company notes.

From the complaints

The two complaints are largely the same and both defendants are accused of ruining the fun for others.

“Nobody likes a cheater. And nobody likes playing with cheaters. These axioms are particularly true in this case. Defendant uses cheats in a deliberate attempt to destroy the integrity of, and otherwise wreak havoc in, the Fortnite game.

“As Defendant intends, this often ruins the game for the other players, and for the many people who watch ‘streamers’,” the complaint adds.

Both defendants are connected to the cheat provider, either as moderators or support personnel. They specifically target streamers and boast about their accomplishments, making comments such as ‘LOL I f*cked them’ after killing them.

According to Epic’s complaint, Vraspir was banned at least nine times but registered new accounts to continue his cheating. He also stands accused of having written code for the cheats.

Broom was banned once and previously stated that he’s also working on his own cheat. He publicly stated that he aims to create “unwanted chaos and disorder” in Fortnite and said the game was the highest priority of the cheat provider.

With the two lawsuits, the game publisher hopes to put an end to the cheating.

Both defendants face $150,000 in statutory damages for copyright infringement. The complaint further lists breach of contract and circumvention of technological measures as additional claims.

While taking out two cheaters is just a drop in the ocean, Epic is sending a stark warning to people who don’t play by the rules.


Here are copies of the full complaints against Vraspir and Broom.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

Sailfish X: Kostenpflichtiges Betriebssystem für Sonys Xperia X

Für Sonys Xperia X gibt es ein alternatives Betriebssystem zu Android: Sailfish X. Das Betriebssystem stammt von dem finnischen Unternehmen Jolla und wird für 50 Euro verkauft. Ganz fertig ist es allerdings noch nicht. (Sailfish OS, Smartphone)

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