Vorratsdatenspeicherung: De Maizière will von Facebook Nutzerdaten erzwingen

Facebook soll Nutzerdaten gar nicht oder nur zögerlich an deutsche Sicherheitsbehörden herausgeben. Bundesinnenminister de Maizière will hier den Druck erhöhen. (Facebook, Instant Messenger)

Facebook soll Nutzerdaten gar nicht oder nur zögerlich an deutsche Sicherheitsbehörden herausgeben. Bundesinnenminister de Maizière will hier den Druck erhöhen. (Facebook, Instant Messenger)

Pirate Bay is The King of Torrents Once Again

This week The Pirate Bay quietly celebrated its 13th anniversary. Where other giants have fallen in the past, the notorious Pirate ship has stayed afloat. Today we chat with the TPB-team to discuss their remarkable achievement.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

thepirateHollywood hoped that it would never happen, but this week The Pirate Bay quietly turned thirteen years old.

The site was founded in 2003 by Swedish pro-culture organization Piratbyrån (Piracy Bureau). The idea was to create the first public file-sharing network in Sweden, but the site soon turned into the global file-sharing icon it is today.

Over the years there have been numerous attempts to shut the site down. Following pressure from the United States, Swedish authorities raided the site in 2006, only to see it come back stronger.

The criminal convictions of the site’s founders didn’t kill the site either, nor did any of the subsequent attempts to take it offline.

The Pirate Bay is still very much ‘alive’ today.

That’s quite an achievement by itself, looking at all the other sites that have fallen over the years. Just last month KickassTorrents shut down, followed by Torrentz a few days ago.

Many KickassTorrents and Torrentz users are now turning to TPB to get their daily dose of torrents. As a result, The Pirate Bay is now the most visited torrent site, once again.

TorrentFreak spoke to several members of the TPB-crew. While they are not happy with the circumstances, they do say that the site has an important role to fulfil in the torrent community.

“TPB is as important today as it was yesterday, and its role in being the galaxy’s most resilient torrent site will continue for the foreseeable future,” Spud17 says.

“Sure, TPB has its flaws and glitches but it’s still the go-to site for all our media needs, and I can see TPB still being around in 20 or 30 years time, even if the technology changes,” she adds.

Veteran TPB-crew member Xe agrees that TPB isn’t perfect but points to the site’s resilience as a crucial factor that’s particularly important today.

“TPB ain’t perfect. There are plenty of things wrong with it, but it is simple, steadfast and true,” Xe tells TorrentFreak.

“So it’s no real surprise that it is once more the destination of choice or that it has survived for so long in spite of the inevitable turnover of crew.”

And resilient it is. Thirteen years after the site came online, The Pirate Bay is the “King of Torrents” once again.

Finally, we close with a yearly overview of the top five torrent sites of the last decade. Notably, the Pirate Bay is the only site that appears in the list every year, which is perhaps the best illustration of the impact it had, and still has today.


1. TorrentSpy
2. Mininova
3. The Pirate Bay
4. isoHunt
5. Demonoid


1. Mininova
2. isoHunt
3. The Pirate Bay
4. Torrentz
5. BTJunkie


1. The Pirate Bay
2. Mininova
3. isoHunt
4. Torrentz
5. Torrentreactor


1. The Pirate Bay
2. Torrentz
3. isoHunt
4. Mininova
5. BTJunkie


1. The Pirate Bay
2. Torrentz
3. isoHunt
4. KickassTorrents
5. BTJunkie


1. The Pirate Bay
2. Torrentz.com
3. KickassTorrents
4. isoHunt
5. BTJunkie


1. The Pirate Bay
2. KickassTorrents
3. Torrentz
4. ExtraTorrent
5. 1337X


1. The Pirate Bay
2. KickassTorrents
3. Torrentz
4. ExtraTorrent
5. YIFY-Torrents


1. KickassTorrents
2. Torrentz.com
3. ExtraTorrent
4. The Pirate Bay
5. YTS


1. KickassTorrents
2. The Pirate Bay
3. ExtraTorrent
4. Torrentz


1. The Pirate Bay
2. ExtraTorrent
5. 1337X

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

SpaceX: Rakete landet erfolgreich und wird bald wiederverwendet

Der neue Flug einer Falcon-9-Rakete war erfolgreich und endete mit der sechsten erfolgreichen Landung. Inzwischen bereitet sich SpaceX nicht nur auf die Wiederverwendung der ersten Stufe vor. (SpaceX, Raumfahrt)

Der neue Flug einer Falcon-9-Rakete war erfolgreich und endete mit der sechsten erfolgreichen Landung. Inzwischen bereitet sich SpaceX nicht nur auf die Wiederverwendung der ersten Stufe vor. (SpaceX, Raumfahrt)

‘Mutable’ Torrents Proposal Makes BitTorrent More Resilient

Behind the scenes, groups of individuals are trying to make BitTorrent better with steady, incremental updates. A new proposal tabled by P2P developer Luca Matteis envisions a tweak to the protocol that would allow greater resilience in the BitTorrent ecosystem.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

bittorrent_logoRegardless of differing opinions on what kind of content should be shifted around using the protocol, few will contest the beauty of BitTorrent.

Thanks to the undoubted genius of creator Bram Cohen, it is still extremely robust some 15 years after its debut.

But while some may assume that BitTorrent is no longer under development, the opposite is true. Behind the scenes, groups of developers are working to further develop the protocol via BitTorrent Enhancement Proposals (BEPs).

Early BEPs, such as those covering DHT, PEX and private torrents, have long since been implemented but the process continues today.

Just one of the P2P developers involved is Luca Matteis. He lives in Rome, Italy, where he studies Computer Science at the Sapienza University and works part-time on various projects.

Passionate about P2P and decentralized systems, Luca informs TorrentFreak that his goal is to enable people to share and communicate in a censorship resistant manner. His fresh proposal, Updating Torrents Via DHT Mutable Items, was submitted last month and aims to live up to that billing.

We asked Luca to explain what his group’s proposal (it’s a team effort) is all about and he kindly obliged. It begins with the Distributed Hash Table (DHT) and a previous enhancement proposal.

“So currently the DHT in BitTorrent is used as a peer discovery mechanism for torrents, and it has really nice decentralized properties. It works just like a tracker, with the difference being that trackers are on central servers with a domain name, and therefore can be easily shut down,” Luca begins.

“[An earlier enhancement proposal] BEP44 added some interesting properties to the DHT network, namely the feature of being able to store arbitrary data. So instead of just storing IP addresses of people downloading specific torrents, we can now store any kind of data (max 1000 bytes per item).”

Luca says that so far this functionality hasn’t been used by torrent clients. uTorrent apparently has it under the hood, with some developers believing it’s there for reasons connected to BitTorrent Inc’s Bleep software. At this point, however, it only exists at the network level.

Importantly, however, Luca says that BEP44 allows one to store changing values under a key.

“We call these mutable items. So what you could do is generate a public key, which can be thought of as your address, and share this with the world. Then you use this public key to store stuff in BitTorrent’s DHT network. And, because it’s your public key, you (and only you) can change the value pointed by your public key.”

As mentioned earlier, only a 1000 bytes can be stored (less than 1kB), but Luca points out that it’s possible to store the info hash of a torrent, 79816060EA56D56F2A2148CD45705511079F9BCA, for example. Now things get interesting.

“At this point, your public key has very similar properties to an HTTP URL [a website address], with the difference that (just like trackers before) the value does not exist on a single computer/server, but is constantly shared across the DHT network,” he explains.

“Our BEP46 extension is an actual standardization of what the value, pointed by your public key, should look like. Our standard says it should be an info hash of a torrent. This allows for a multitude of use cases, but more practically it allows for torrents to automatically change what they’re downloading based on the public key value inside the DHT.”

While the technically minded out there might already know where this is going, Luca is kind enough to spell it out.

“Torrent sites (such as The Pirate Bay) could share a magnet link they control, which contains their public key. What they would store at this ‘address’ is the infohash of a torrent which contains a database of all their torrents,” he says.

“Users who trust them would bookmark the magnet link, and when they click on it, a torrent will start downloading. Specifically, they’d start downloading the database dump of the torrent site.”

While that might not yet sound like magic, the ability to change the value held in the DHT proves extremely useful.

“The cool thing is that when the torrent site decides to share more torrents (new releases, better quality stuff, more quality reviews), all they need to do is update the value in the DHT with a new torrent containing a new .rss file.

“At this point, all the users downloading from their magnet link will automatically be downloading the new torrent and will always have an up-to-date .RSS dump of torrents,” he says.

But while this would be useful to users, Luca says that sites like The Pirate Bay could also benefit.

“For torrent sites, this would be an attractive solution because they wouldn’t need to maintain a central HTTP server which implies costs and can be easily shut down. On the other hand, their mutable torrent magnet link cannot be easily shut down, does not imply maintenance costs, and cannot be easily tracked down,” he concludes.

For those interested in the progress of this enhancement proposal and others like it, all BEPs can be found here.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

SpaceX seeks to continue its hot streak with tonight’s Falcon 9 launch

With an upgraded rocket, SpaceX wants to show customers it can launch frequently.

(credit: SpaceX)

SpaceX hopes to continue increasing the frequency of its rocket business with a Sunday launch. The two-hour launch window for the company's Falcon 9 rocket opens at 1:26am ET on Sunday, as SpaceX endeavors to deliver the JCSAT-16 commercial communications satellite to geostationary transfer orbit.

After seven successful launches in 2016, SpaceX has already broken its previous mark for successful rocket missions during a calendar year, six. Sunday morning's attempt comes a little less than one month after the last flight of the Falcon 9 on July 18, when the Dragon spacecraft delivered two tons of supplies to the International Space Station. Considering the company's launch manifest through December, it is possible SpaceX will make a dozen or more flights of its Falcon 9 rocket in 2016, coming close to reaching its stated goal of a launching once every other week by the end of this year.

The other big question tonight again surrounds the company's prospects for a successful return of its Falcon 9 first stage to Earth. Because the rocket will be delivering the satellite to an altitude of 35,800km above the equator, the first stage must reach a high velocity before releasing its upper stage and payload into orbit.

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Ab-in-den-Urlaub.de: Unister-Chefs wurden um Millionensumme betrogen

Die verstorbenen Unister-Manager sind mutmaßlich von einem windigen Finanzmakler um rund eine Million Euro betrogen worden. Bei einem Kreditgeschäft wurde ihnen Falschgeld angedreht. (Unister, Wirtschaft)

Die verstorbenen Unister-Manager sind mutmaßlich von einem windigen Finanzmakler um rund eine Million Euro betrogen worden. Bei einem Kreditgeschäft wurde ihnen Falschgeld angedreht. (Unister, Wirtschaft)

Outside experts ding EPA fracking report’s optimistic conclusions

Panel criticizes EPA’s statement that there’s no systemic impacts on drinking water.

Last year, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released the draft of a major report on the practice of hydraulic fracking—a technique to harvest oil and natural gas trapped within shale rocks. Although the report is only a draft, it was four years in the making and represents one of the first formal evaluations of fracking in the US as a whole.

In general, the EPA report is positive. While various problems with fracking are brought up, the report seems to suggest that the technique has no systemic issues. With proper caution, the evaluation says, it should be possible to frack while keeping water sources safe.

Or, to use the EPA's own words:

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Single mutation changes a species’ mating

A change subtly alters an essential gene, affecting only the courtship song.

(credit: Tao lab, Emory University)

When evolution hits on a solution that works, that solution tends to get reused. Researchers have found that genes that play key roles in development typically get deployed over and over again in different tissues. Once this happens, however, it can create a problem: you can't make major changes to the gene without messing up a whole lot of essential processes.

This week, however, a team of researchers from the Janelia Research Campus describe a case in which an essential gene that's critical for neural activity was tweaked in an incredibly subtle and specific way. The new version of the gene changed only a single feature of the species it evolved in: the details of the male courtship song.

You might not think fruit flies would do much in the way of singing, and they don't in the traditional sense. But their courtship behavior involves a song created by rapid vibrations of their wings. The song is a mixture of repeated chirps interspersed with longer, buzzing vibrations. The details of this song—the frequency of the buzzing, the space between the chirps, etc.—often varies among the dozens of species of Drosophila we've identified.

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The hottest new board games from Gen Con 2016

We came, we saw, we played.

Gen Con bills itself as "the best four days in gaming"—and in many ways, it is. More than 60,000 people crammed into the Indiana Convention Center in downtown Indianapolis to play, purchase, and demo the hottest new board games and RPGs releasing in 2016. The Ars crew spent several days at the show drowning in a delicious gaming gumbo; now that we're back, we've put together a list of the top titles we played at the show.

If you're looking for a solid overview of what's hot in board gaming for the second half of 2016, you've come to the right place. (And stay tuned for our coverage of the Essen Spiel fair in October for all your Eurogame needs.)

Unless otherwise noted, these games should be hitting store shelves soon.

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Irish court orders alleged Silk Road admin to be extradited to US

Gary Davis tells Ars that he is likely to appeal in every possible way.

(credit: Alistair)

A 27-year-old Irishman who American prosecutors believe was a top administrator on Silk Road named “Libertas” has been approved for extradition to the United States.

According to the Irish Times, a High Court judge ordered Gary Davis to be handed over to American authorities on Friday.

In December 2013, federal prosecutors in New York unveiled charges against Davis and two other Silk Road staffers, Andrew Michael Jones (“Inigo”) and Peter Phillip Nash (“Samesamebutdifferent”). They were all charged with narcotics trafficking conspiracy, computer hacking conspiracy, and money laundering conspiracy.

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