Vertu’s cheapest smartphone is still a $4,200 status symbol

Vertu’s cheapest smartphone is still a $4,200 status symbol

Luxury phone maker Vertu offers phones that are hand-crafted and made from unusual materials including leather an Italian fabric. But with the possible exception of last year’s Vertu Signature Touch, most Vertu phones feature dated or underpowered hardware… especially when you consider the astronomical prices the company charges for its phones: the Signature Touch sells for $9,000 and up.

Now Vertu is offering a cheaper option… that’s still extraordinarily expensive. The new Vertu Aster Chevron collection smartphones sell for $4,200.

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Vertu’s cheapest smartphone is still a $4,200 status symbol

Luxury phone maker Vertu offers phones that are hand-crafted and made from unusual materials including leather an Italian fabric. But with the possible exception of last year’s Vertu Signature Touch, most Vertu phones feature dated or underpowered hardware… especially when you consider the astronomical prices the company charges for its phones: the Signature Touch sells for $9,000 and up.

Now Vertu is offering a cheaper option… that’s still extraordinarily expensive. The new Vertu Aster Chevron collection smartphones sell for $4,200.

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The most powerful camera in deep space just sent 1,000 more pics back to Earth

The HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter continues to dazzle.

It has now been nearly a decade since the HiRISE camera arrived in orbit around Mars and began taking high-resolution images of the Red Planet. Tucked aboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, HiRISE has a telescope aperture of 0.5 meter, making it the most powerful camera ever sent into deep space, with a maximum resolution of about 0.3 meter/pixel. This has allowed NASA to spy on its Curiosity and Opportunity rovers from space.

The camera was sent to Mars to help scientists identify regions of the Red Planet that would be good candidates for sample return missions (which NASA hopes to fly sometime in the 2020s), as well as possible landing sites for humans on Mars (no earlier than the late 2030s, for NASA). The instrument has also allowed scientists to characterize the surface of Mars and better understand its evolution over billions of years. Finally, the high-resolution images also helped dispel pareidolia such as the "face on Mars."

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has now completed about 50,000 orbits around Mars, taken nearly 250,000 images, and returned nearly 300 terabits of data about the planet to Earth. It has survived well past its original 5.5-year mission, which was supposed to end in late 2010.

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X-Fire 5-LED Taillight with Laser Lane Marker

For bikers who love to bike at night, this little robot-like device called X-Fire will be very useful to set clear biking zone. You might think that X-Fire is just another gimmick that won’t be useful except giving some robot-laser eye kind of eye-candy for your bike, but nope, it’s more than that. X-Fire will […]

For bikers who love to bike at night, this little robot-like device called X-Fire will be very useful to set clear biking zone. You might think that X-Fire is just another gimmick that won’t be useful except giving some robot-laser eye kind of eye-candy for your bike, but nope, it’s more than that. X-Fire will […]

US alters rules for funding for animals with human stem cells

Trying to avoid animals with humanized brains or reproductive tissues.

(credit: California Stem Cell Agency)

On Thursday, the National Institutes of Health announced that it was revising the rules that govern its funding of stem cell research. The rules focus on cases where human stem cells are introduced into embryonic animals, creating an embryo that's a mixture of human and animal tissues. While the rules would lift a blanket moratorium on funding for this research, they'd also tighten the regulations that were in place prior to the moratorium.

An animal that's a mixture of two different organisms is called a chimaera. While they're named after mythological beasts, creating them is rather run-of-the-mill in modern research, where chimaeras between different mouse strains are an essential part of knocking out genes to study the effects. Human-mouse chimaeras are also quite common, as we inject human tumor cells into mice to study cancer and replace the mouse immune system with a human one in order to study diseases like AIDS.

Some stem cell research would be similar in nature. For example, if you wanted to determine if it is safe and effective to use stem cells to repair cardiac injury in humans, a reasonable first step would be to see what happens when you inject human stem cells into an adult mouse that has a damaged heart.

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Experimental Firefox “No More 404s” feature shows archives versions of missing web pages

Experimental Firefox “No More 404s” feature shows archives versions of missing web pages

The web works best when nothing is ever deleted: because nobody likes clicking on a link to a website that no longer exists. But sometimes companies go out of business, servers crash, or the person responsible for publishing something to the web has second thoughts.

But future versions of Firefox may help you put the web back together in your browser. Mozilla has launched an experimental “No More 404s” to detect when the page you’re visiting is showing a 404: Not Found error message… and then it lets you visit the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine to view the last-saved version of that website, if there’s one available.

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Experimental Firefox “No More 404s” feature shows archives versions of missing web pages

The web works best when nothing is ever deleted: because nobody likes clicking on a link to a website that no longer exists. But sometimes companies go out of business, servers crash, or the person responsible for publishing something to the web has second thoughts.

But future versions of Firefox may help you put the web back together in your browser. Mozilla has launched an experimental “No More 404s” to detect when the page you’re visiting is showing a 404: Not Found error message… and then it lets you visit the Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine to view the last-saved version of that website, if there’s one available.

Continue reading Experimental Firefox “No More 404s” feature shows archives versions of missing web pages at Liliputing.

Verizon faces customers’ wrath over poor Internet and phone service

Verizon disputes complaints, says it isn’t abandoning copper network in Jersey.

(credit: Matt Reinbold)

Yesterday, Verizon faced complaints from customers and government officials about maintenance of its copper network in areas of New Jersey. Hearings were held yesterday by the state Board of Public Utilities (BPU) on Verizon service in rural parts of South Jersey, where the company hasn't upgraded its networks to fiber. About 200 "frustrated residents" attended and nearly 80 signed up to speak, airing their complaints for hours, according to a story on

Theresa Duffy-Diamond of Cedarville owns three businesses but complained that she has trouble running them because of how hard it is to make phone calls. She played a voicemail that she received—it contained "nothing but crackling sounds," the article said.

63-year-old John Dowling of Estell Manor, who suffers from a chronic lung disease and needs frequent medical attention, reported not being able to make phone calls from his landline when it rains. When he complains to Verizon, "four days later they would come out on a sunny day and say the lines are all clear," he said.

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Vive Port: HTC bringt eigenen App-Store für Vive-VR-Headset

Oculus VR hat ihn schon, HTC zieht nach: Der Vive Port wird ein Store für Entwickler und Spieler mit einem Vive-Headset. An den verkauften Apps verdient HTC künftig mit, über Steam hingegen Valve. Letztere haben ihr Tracking-System Lighthouse lizenzfrei geöffnet. (Vive, Steam)

Oculus VR hat ihn schon, HTC zieht nach: Der Vive Port wird ein Store für Entwickler und Spieler mit einem Vive-Headset. An den verkauften Apps verdient HTC künftig mit, über Steam hingegen Valve. Letztere haben ihr Tracking-System Lighthouse lizenzfrei geöffnet. (Vive, Steam)

Wirtschaftsförderung: Unister erhielt vor Insolvenz öffentliche Gelder

Nach der Insolvenz von Unister werden immer mehr Details bekannt. Jetzt gab das zuständige Wirtschaftsministerium bekannt, dass das Unternehmen mehrere Millionen Euro öffentlicher Fördergelder erhalten hat – um neue Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen. (Unister, Verbraucherschutz)

Nach der Insolvenz von Unister werden immer mehr Details bekannt. Jetzt gab das zuständige Wirtschaftsministerium bekannt, dass das Unternehmen mehrere Millionen Euro öffentlicher Fördergelder erhalten hat - um neue Arbeitsplätze zu schaffen. (Unister, Verbraucherschutz)

Google’s Android and iOS apps feature 7 Olympics-themed mini games

Google’s Android and iOS apps feature 7 Olympics-themed mini games

The Google app for Android and iOS is generally designed to let you search the web. But between now and August 21st you can also use it to play 7 mini-games inspired by the Olympics.

Just fire up the Google app and click the Google Doodle to open a list of available games. They’re each inspired by Olympic sporting events including running, biking, and swimming. They each take just a few seconds to play (but have handy re-play buttons so you can try again for a better score).

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Google’s Android and iOS apps feature 7 Olympics-themed mini games

The Google app for Android and iOS is generally designed to let you search the web. But between now and August 21st you can also use it to play 7 mini-games inspired by the Olympics.

Just fire up the Google app and click the Google Doodle to open a list of available games. They’re each inspired by Olympic sporting events including running, biking, and swimming. They each take just a few seconds to play (but have handy re-play buttons so you can try again for a better score).

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Skype: Auf ein Schwätzchen mit dem Chatbot

In Skype stehen jetzt verschiedene Chat-Roboter zur Verfügung, mit denen Nutzer etwa nach Flugverbindungen und Hotels suchen können. Die Konversationen verlaufen erstaunlich flüssig, auch Kontextfragen verstehen die Bots stellenweise. (Skype, Microsoft)

In Skype stehen jetzt verschiedene Chat-Roboter zur Verfügung, mit denen Nutzer etwa nach Flugverbindungen und Hotels suchen können. Die Konversationen verlaufen erstaunlich flüssig, auch Kontextfragen verstehen die Bots stellenweise. (Skype, Microsoft)