Amateur astronomers are helping guide space pros to Jupiter and beyond

Tech and social media have evolved to help amateurs guide observations of space pros.

Have you seen this on YouTube yet?

The United Kingdom is a terrible place to use a telescope, at least if you consider the weather. There might be one clear night a week, or worse. So it probably takes a certain amount of bravery for somebody like John McKeon to invest in a telescope and use it to look at the planets in between dodging clouds and rainstorms and snow.

Yet, McKeon—by all accounts an amateur telescope enthusiast—spotted something to spark the interest of a professional. A video on March 17, taken using only an 11-inch telescope, shows a flash of something impacting Jupiter. What's more is he only thought to check the data after yet another amateur, Gerrit Kernbauer, posted a similar find on Facebook.

"I didn't know for 10 days after I had recorded video that I had discovered it," said McKeon, who originally took the footage to track the double shadow of moons Ganymede and Io moving across the planet. But after he saw the post, he immediately went through the 207 videos he took that night.

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Youtuber: US-Behörde drängt auf klarere Kennzeichnung von Werbung

Der Hashtag #ad reicht nicht aus: Wer auf Youtube oder in anderen sozialen Netzwerken gegen Geld ein Produkt vor die Kamera hält, muss klarer auf Werbung hinweisen: Das möchte die nordamerikanische Verbraucherschutzbehörde – und kündigt Kontrollen an. (Onlinewerbung, Google)

Der Hashtag #ad reicht nicht aus: Wer auf Youtube oder in anderen sozialen Netzwerken gegen Geld ein Produkt vor die Kamera hält, muss klarer auf Werbung hinweisen: Das möchte die nordamerikanische Verbraucherschutzbehörde - und kündigt Kontrollen an. (Onlinewerbung, Google)

Kabelnetz: Unitymedia-Kunden nutzen mehr als doppelt soviel Daten

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Kunden von Unitymedia haben mit 80 GByte ein erheblich über dem durchschnittlichen Datenvolumen im Festnetz liegenden Verbrauch. Der Kabelnetzbetreiber baut sein Netz in neue Gebiete aus. (Unitymedia, Kabelnetz)

Quadrooter: Qualcomm-Schwachstelle gefährdet 900.000 Android-Geräte

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Mehrere Schwachstellen in den Qualcomm-Treibern ermöglichen es Angreifern, per Rechteeskalation Android-Geräte zu übernehmen. Drei von vier Lücken sind gepatcht, doch zahlreiche Android-Nutzer müssen noch auf die Updates warten. (Android, Dateisystem)

Defense Asks U.S. to Drop Case Against Alleged KickassTorrents Owner

The legal defense team of alleged KickassTorrents owner Artem Vaulin has asked the U.S. Department of Justice to drop the charges against his client and release him from prison. According to his lawyers, the alleged site owner can’t be held criminally liable for pirated files KAT users may have downloaded.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

kickasstorrents_500x500Last month Polish law enforcement officers arrested Artem Vaulin, the alleged founder of KickassTorrents, who’s been held in a local prison since.

The Polish authorities acted on a criminal complaint from the U.S. Government. In the indictment, the 30-year-old Ukrainian is charged with criminal copyright infringement and money laundering.

According to Vaulin’s legal defense team, lead by Ira Rothken, these allegations are baseless. While not addressing whether their client is indeed the owner of the site, they argue that the changes don’t hold up.

In a letter sent to the Department of Justice (pdf), they request the authorities to dismiss the criminal complaint against Vaulin and release him from prison as soon as possible.

One of the main arguments is that the alleged KickassTorrents owner can’t be held responsible for the potentially infringing actions of the site’s users. The defense team argues that criminal secondary or indirect copyright infringement does not exist under U.S. law.

“This alleged criminal copyright case arises out of an erroneous theory of criminal copyright law advanced by the United States that attempts to hold Artem Vaulin criminally liable for the alleged infringing acts of KAT’s search engine users,” the defense team writes.

The lawyers point out that the KickassTorrents website itself never hosted any infringing material. It only stored torrent files, and possible copyright infringements would take place once the visitors had left the site.

“By the time any possible primary infringement by a former KAT visitor could ever occur the visit to the site is long over,” the defense argues.

“Defendants cannot be held criminally responsible for what users do after they leave the KAT search engine behind. The Copyright Act does not criminalize secondary copyright infringement,” they add.

Letter to the U.S. Department of Justice


The affidavit also contains other “incorrect, misleading and irrelevant allegations” regarding BitTorrent technology and how KickassTorrents operated, according to the defense.

In addition, it lacks specific examples linking the alleged site operator to infringing downloads. In fact, the only relevant infringement quoted is one committed by an agent from Homeland Security Investigations.

“The Affidavit fails to identify even one specific infringement committed within the last 180 days by someone in the United States of America, other than by HIS Special Agents,” Vaulin’s defense argues.

The absence of any specific allegations is not an oversight according to the defense. Rather, it is a side effect of how far the alleged site owner is removed from potentially copyright infringing acts, they note.

Given the weakness of the criminal claims, Vaulin’s lawyers ask the U.S. Department of Justice to drop the charges against their client and release him from prison as soon as possible.

The letter further urges the authorities not to question, interrogate, or interview Vaulin, and allow the defense to immediately speak with him in prison so he can assist with his defense.

Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.

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Mit Artisto können kurze Videos im Prisma-Stil gedreht werden. Wie die Bildbearbeitungs-App Prisma legt Artisto Malfilter über die Aufnahmen, die dann wie ein Gemälde aussehen. Die Effektfilter werden auch bei Artisto auf einem externen Server erzeugt. (Videobearbeitung, Grafiksoftware)