Month: March 2016
Neue Play-Store-Richtlinien: Google verbietet Apps mit störender Werbung
US to renegotiate rules on exporting “intrusion software”
Inter-agency panel decides just fixing US implementation of export controls isn’t enough.
After nearly a year of protests from the information security industry, security researchers, and others, US officials have announced that they plan to re-negotiate regulations on the trade of tools related to "intrusion software." While it's potentially good news for information security, just how good the news is will depend largely on how much the Obama administration is willing to push back on the other 41 countries that are part of the agreement—especially after the US was key in getting regulations on intrusion software onto the table in the first place.
The rules were negotiated through the Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies, an agreement governing the trade of weapons and technology that could be used for military purposes. Originally intended to prevent proliferation and build-up of weapons, the US and other western nations pushed for operating system, software, and network exploits to be included in the Wassenaar protocol to prevent the use of commercial malware and hacking tools by repressive regimes against their own people for surveillance.
These concerns appear to have been borne out by documents revealed last year in the breach of Italy-based Hacking Team, which showed the company was selling exploits to Sudan and other regimes with a record of human rights abuses. And security systems from Blue Coat were resold to a number of repressive states, including Syria's Assad regime—which may have used the software to identify and target opposition activists.
TV Now: RTLs neue Mediathek-App ist kostenpflichtig
RTL hat eine neue Mediathek-App namens TV Now für Android und iOS veröffentlicht – sie bündelt die Fernsehkanäle des Senders. Im Browser ist die neue RTL-Mediathek kostenlos nutzbar, die App gibt es nur gegen Bezahlung – Werbung gibt es trotzdem. Viele Zuschauer sind darüber verärgert. (RTL, Streaming)
HTC Vive: 15.000 VR-Headsets in zehn Minuten verkauft
Pirate Bay Offers Tech Support to Pirating Kanye West
Kanye West was so outraged when he found out that his new album was being pirated by hundreds of thousands of people he considered taking The Pirate Bay to court. However, in a recent tweet the controversial musician plugged the torrent site, accidentally revealing his own pirate habits. But despite the bad feelings, the Pirate Bay say they’re happy to provide West with tech support.
Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.
A few days ago Kanye West released The Life of Pablo. The album subsequently ended up on various pirate sites where it was quickly downloaded by hundreds of thousands of fans.
A lot of media attention has focused on The Pirate Bay, where it is still listed as the most popular music download after two weeks, with thousands of people actively sharing the tracks.
Meanwhile, the news also reached Kanye West himself, who considered taking legal action against the notorious torrent site. While he would not be the first to try, a tweet posted a few hours ago made the whole situation a lot more ironic.
At first sight little appears wrong with the tweet, which comes with an image showing a YouTube video of Sufjan Stevens’ track “Death with Dignity.” However, taking a closer look at the other open tabs is quite revealing.
For example, the tab second to the left reads “”Pirate Bay Torrent Xfe..,” where the last part is likely a reference to Xfer Records.
The tab itself is not from The Pirate Bay website, which uses a different title structure, but comes from a site that uses the TPB brand. This release blog, which lists a pirated copy of Xfer Records synthesizer software Serum, seems to be a likely candidate.
This suspicion is supported by another open tab pointing towards a Music Radar article listing the best VST/AU plugins, where Serum comes out as one of the winners.
Finally, the “MediaDownloader” tab completes the pirate circle, as that would allow West to rip music from YouTube so it can be used together with the pirated software to create his next hit.
Kanye’s tweet is a painful mistake, and one that didn’t go unnoticed.
DJ Deadmau5, who co-founded Xfer Records, saw the tweet and called out Kanye as a dick. Not much later he showed a bit more sympathy for Kanye’s circumstances, calling for a Kickstarter campaign to raise money for a legal copy of the software.
The Pirate Bay team, meanwhile, is quite amused by the whole episode and says it welcomes pirates from all different walks of life.
“If he runs into difficulty he should try the forum for technical help and support,” TPB staff member Spud17 informs TorrentFreak, noticing the shift from the earlier agressive stance.
“Makes me wonder just how skint he claims to be, perhaps he’s ‘slumming it’ to try and regain some credibility,” Spud17 adds.
Of course, there’s a slim chance that Kanye is pulling off an elaborate prank, which would be a good one. If so, he managed to plug The Pirate Bay in the process, so it’s unlikely that he will take credit for it anytime soon.
Source: TF, for the latest info on copyright, file-sharing, torrent sites and ANONYMOUS VPN services.
Google: Gmail durchsucht Bilder nach sicherheitsrelevanten Daten
100 MBit/s: Ewe will fast alle Haushalte mit Vectoring ausstatten
Nutzerdaten: Bundeskartellamt eröffnet Verfahren gegen Facebook
Klärt Facebook seine Mitglieder ausreichend über den Umgang mit ihren Daten auf? Daran zweifelt das Bundeskartellamt – und eröffnet ein Verfahren. (Facebook, Soziales Netz)
Microsoft: Quantum Break muss Videos streamen
Das Actionspiel Quantum Break befindet sich nur zum Teil auf der PC- oder Xbox-Festplatte des Nutzers. Die Filme muss der Nutzer streamen – und nur auf einem der beiden Systeme ist es offenbar möglich, die Daten vorab zu laden. (Quantum Break, Microsoft)
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